Thank you for your comment, may0. I must strongly disagree, and I refer you to Zack Ford of Think Progress, who has consistently and accurately debunked Mr. Singal’s claim of “science,” both in the past and again today. I can handle science just fine. What I cannot handle is bigotry, religious fundamentalism that limits any person’s civil liberties and rights, and the lies that anti-LGBTQ activists spread in defense of oppression, conversion therapy and discrimination. I’m not sorry I am who I am, which is how G-d made me, and I am not sorry for how science proves that I am who I am. Maybe you should concern yourself with your own truth, before labeling anything a “transgender lie.” I suggest you read Matthew 7:5 …but first, read Zack’s response to Mr. Singal’s erroneous and outrageous report. Good night. And I wish you love, peace and understanding.