I can’t speak for “they.” I speak only for me.
I am not freaking out and I do not belong to a lobbying group. I’m a woman and single mom raising three kids who earns a living by writing.
I don’t think anything on earth is immutable. But I do believe I have been transgender all my life and the thing that changed was my reaction upon discovering, after denying and finally accepting who I am.
Ever since Jerry Falwell I’ve been averse to any references to “moral majority” or in your case, “silent majority.” You don’t seem very silent to me.
I am pulling no scam. I don’t care what you do or what you believe, but I don’t wish you harm or ill. I’m primarily interested in my children and my own existence but I am dedicated to being kind to everyone. Why aren’t you?
I understand the word bigotry better than most people, having experienced it first hand, and very publicly. What do you know about it? Even my own experience, however, is nothing compared to those who aren’t white-skinned, or poor, or a migrant, or anyone who appears different.
The people Mr. Singal wrote about are no less important or less valuable as human beings than you or me. I have no beef with anyone, actually, and the so-called “transgender umbrella” is big enough for all types of what you mock as “lived experiences.” There’s an expression: Your Mileage May Vary, and it applies not just to cars’ MPG but to life. How I live mine may be entirely different than yours — and that applies to other trans people, too.
Finally: there is no wrong type of trans, just as there is no wrong type of being anything or anyone. But I will offer that being unkind, bigoted and mean to anything or anyone does qualify you for judgment by a power beyond me, and for that I will pray for you and send wishes for love, peace and understanding. Good night, and thank you for sharing your opinion.